The BMG Consignado Credit Card is a valuable financial option tailored for INSS retirees, pensioners, public servants, and individuals seeking reduced interest rates.

Positioned as a tool with advantageous features, this card caters to users looking to optimize their financial management, access discounts, and benefit from personalized services based on their specific needs.


Lower interest rates, no annual fees, and automatic minimum payment deductions for financial convenience.

Credit limits up to 1.6 times the benefit amount and discounts at partner pharmacies.

Secure financial solution targeting retirees, pensioners, public servants, and those interested in favorable terms.

Quick and straightforward application process through the BMG website and app for effortless access and monitoring.


Eligibility limited to retirees, INSS pensioners, and public servants.

Potential overspending risks due to withdrawal limits.

Dependency on available consignable margins for credit utilization.

Users should review terms and conditions carefully to maximize benefits and avoid drawbacks.

Who Should Use This Card?

  • Public employees
  • INSS retirees and pensioners
  • Those seeking lower interest rates

Summary & Fees

  • Eligible for Retirees, Pensioners, and Publis Servants
  • No Annual Fee
  • Low Interest
  • Easy Application
  • Online Management

Visit the merchant’s site for detailed information on benefits, interest rates, fees, and eligibility criteria. You can also find exclusive offers or promotions specific to the Cartão Consignado BMG credit card!

Just remember, not all cards are the same. We are constantly updating our links and blogs to include these sources. Certain bank accounts also offer better pricing for cards for members.

[bimber_title]Want more tips? Checkout these other cards below[/bimber_title][bimber_collection template=”list-xxs-mod02″ card_style=”none” columns=”3″ title=”” title_size=”h4″ title_align=”” title_show=”standard” type=”recent” time_range=”all” max=”” offset=”” category=”” post_tag=”top” post_format=”” snax_format=”” author=”” show_featured_media=”standard” show_shares=”none” show_views=”none” show_votes=”none” show_comments_link=”none” show_categories=”none” show_subtitle=”standard” show_summary=”none” show_author=”none” show_avatar=”none” show_date=”none” show_voting_box=”none” show_call_to_action=”standard” call_to_action_hide_buttons=”read_more” show_action_links=”standard”]