The Bradesco Gol Smiles Gold Card targets travel enthusiasts aiming to optimize miles accumulation and enhance their boarding experience with comfort and convenience.

Offering long-validity miles, preferential services, and tailored benefits specifically with GOL, this card is a prime choice for individuals seeking elevated travel experiences.


Exclusive benefits tailored for GOL travelers to maximize comfort and convenience.

Long-validity miles, preferential services, and ease of use for seamless boarding experiences.

Ability to compare card options to align benefits, fees, and coverage with individual travel preferences.

Smiles Program’s loyalty platform in Brazil providing a range of travel benefits, including miles accumulation and exclusive services.


Limited to use with GOL, potentially restricting options for travelers.

Users should evaluate benefits and fees against their travel habits to maximize card value.

Understanding program terms and conditions is essential for optimizing travel rewards and benefits.

Making informed comparisons helps users select the card that best suits their unique travel needs and preferences.

Who Should Use This Card?

  • Travelers seeking miles with extended validity.
  • For travelers who want to rack up miles fast.
  • When boarding, those seeking comfort and usefulness.

Summary & Fees

  • Benefits For GOL travelers
  • Miles Accumulation Rewards
  • Travel Benefits
  • Online Management
  • Additional Benefits

Visit the merchant’s site for detailed information on benefits, interest rates, fees, and eligibility criteria. You can also find exclusive offers or promotions specific to the Bradesco Gold Smiles credit card!

Just remember, not all cards are the same. We are constantly updating our links and blogs to include these sources. Certain bank accounts also offer better pricing for cards for members.

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