The Caixa Sim credit card, a versatile financial product by Caixa Econômica Federal, one of Brazil’s largest financial institutions, offers users benefits, rewards, and exclusive features to enhance their banking experience.

This co-branded credit card allows customers to earn rewards on purchases, access discounts at partner merchants, and utilize flexible payment options, providing a reliable and user-friendly credit card solution that seamlessly integrates with their banking needs.


Focus on financial inclusion and accessibility

Transparent and cost-effective credit access

Features like cashback rewards, instalment payment plans, and customized spending limits

Convenient management of card preferences, spending tracking, and customer support through digital channels

Comprehensive and empowering financial solutions prioritizing simplicity and customer satisfaction


Benefits may be limited to specific partner merchants

Eligibility criteria for certain features and rewards

Reliance on digital channels for customer support and card management

Limited benefits for users not maximizing rewards and features

Who Should Use This Card?

  •   Caixa Econômica Federal customers wanting benefits and rewards
  •   People seeking features to enhance their banking experience
  •   Users interested in rewards, discounts at partners, and flexible payments

Summary & Fees

  • No Annual Fee
  • Cashback Rewards
  • Flexible Instalment Options
  • Contactless Payments
  • Online Management
  • Additional Benefits

Visit the merchant’s site for detailed information on benefits, interest rates, fees, and eligibility criteria. You can also find exclusive offers or promotions specific to the Caixa Sim credit card!

Just remember, not all cards are the same. We are constantly updating our links and blogs to include these sources. Certain bank accounts also offer better pricing for cards for members.

[bimber_title]Want more tips? Checkout these other cards below[/bimber_title][bimber_collection template=”list-xxs-mod02″ card_style=”none” columns=”3″ title=”” title_size=”h4″ title_align=”” title_show=”standard” type=”recent” time_range=”all” max=”” offset=”” category=”” post_tag=”top” post_format=”” snax_format=”” author=”” show_featured_media=”standard” show_shares=”none” show_views=”none” show_votes=”none” show_comments_link=”none” show_categories=”none” show_subtitle=”standard” show_summary=”none” show_author=”none” show_avatar=”none” show_date=”none” show_voting_box=”none” show_call_to_action=”standard” call_to_action_hide_buttons=”read_more” show_action_links=”standard”]