The Cartão Submarino stands as a coveted credit card offering from Submarino, a prominent e-commerce platform in Brazil, designed to furnish customers with a seamless shopping experience and an array of exclusive benefits.

With the Cartão Submarino card, users can relish advantages like discounts, instalment payment choices, and cashback rewards on transactions, ideal for avid online shoppers seeking diverse products such as electronics, home appliances, and fashion items.


Flexibility and convenience in making secure online purchases and account management

Secure online purchases, statements, and exclusive promotions accessible through a website or app

Option to split payments into interest-free instalments for effective budgeting

Enhanced shopping experience with seamless integration into submarino’s platform

Competitive benefits like cashback rewards, discounts, and specialized promotions foster loyalty and engagement


Benefits primarily catered to Submarino platform purchases, limiting utility elsewhere

Potential restrictions on benefits and rewards with non-affiliated stores

Specific eligibility requirements for card issuance and maintenance

Can be higher interest rates compared to other credit cards

Who Should Use This Card?

  • Customers who often shop on Submarino, a major Brazilian e-commerce site
  • People wanting a smooth shopping experience with special benefits
  • Users looking for discounts, installment payments, and cashback rewards on their purchases

Summary & Fees

  • Exclusive Offers
  • Cashback Rewards
  • Easy Refunds
  • Rewards Program
  • Secure Online Payment
  • Additional Benefits

Visit the merchant’s site for detailed information on benefits, interest rates, fees, and eligibility criteria. You can also find exclusive offers or promotions specific to the Cartão Submarino credit card!

Just remember, not all cards are the same. We are constantly updating our links and blogs to include these sources. Certain bank accounts also offer better pricing for cards for members.

[bimber_title]Want more tips? Checkout these other cards below[/bimber_title][bimber_collection template=”list-xxs-mod02″ card_style=”none” columns=”3″ title=”” title_size=”h4″ title_align=”” title_show=”standard” type=”recent” time_range=”all” max=”” offset=”” category=”” post_tag=”top” post_format=”” snax_format=”” author=”” show_featured_media=”standard” show_shares=”none” show_views=”none” show_votes=”none” show_comments_link=”none” show_categories=”none” show_subtitle=”standard” show_summary=”none” show_author=”none” show_avatar=”none” show_date=”none” show_voting_box=”none” show_call_to_action=”standard” call_to_action_hide_buttons=”read_more” show_action_links=”standard”]