Featuring competitive interest rates, extended payment terms, and automatic monthly payment deductions, this card provides customers with exclusive benefits to enhance financial management.

Tailored to facilitate responsible debt repayment through consignment payroll deductions, the Olé Consignado card ensures a seamless and practical approach to accessing credit.


Competitive interest rates and extended payment terms

Automatic monthly payment deductions for ease of repayment

Cash advances, online account management, and personalized assistance for enhanced user experience

Affordability, accessibility, and security in credit provision

Low fees, credit limit flexibility, and straightforward application processes


Potential limitations on benefits specific to certain credit profiles

Specific eligibility criteria for features and services

Reliance on consignment payroll deductions for repayment

Not number of benefits for users not focusing towards on credit management

Who Should Use This Card?

  • People looking for a reliable and easy-to-use financial solution
  • Customers seeking flexible credit options with good interest rates and long payment terms
  • Users interested in automatic monthly payments and special benefits for better financial management

Summary & Fees

  • Financial Solutions
  • Lower Interest Rates
  • Cash Withdrawals
  • Online Management
  • Additional Benefits

Visit the merchant’s site for detailed information on benefits, interest rates, fees, and eligibility criteria. You can also find exclusive offers or promotions specific to the Olé Consignado credit card!

Just remember, not all cards are the same. We are constantly updating our links and blogs to include these sources. Certain bank accounts also offer better pricing for cards for members.

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